If a shark stops moving, it will die. All sharks have to constantly swim forward to take in oxygen over their gills so they can breathe. Our workshops are designed to deliver FORWARD MOTION and breath new oxygen into your business! Be a shark, keep moving forward!
Everyone attends all workshops!
We use a rotation schedule.
We want all attendees to attend every 30-minute workshop. Each attendee will be assigned a rotation to ensure they are prepared with Forward Motion concepts. Every attendee will meet all speakers and be able to work with each of them.
Workshop #1
Digital Marketing
for Growth
Prof. Ken Ninomiya
Workshop #2
Entrepreneur Spirit
Prof. Paul Marino
Workshop #3
Prof. Dave Hinkes
Workshop #4
7 Digital Marketing Hacks to Grow Your Business! Oh yea. They are all FREE to implement and take only 10 minutes to do! This seminar will provide you concepts to move your business forward online.
Start Ups are recognized at the business beginning. You need tough
skin and a start-up attitude to succeed. This seminar will help you capture that s tart-up attitude to help you create forward motion.
One of the smartest ways to retool your business is to have a strategy. That all starts with targeted goals. Get deep insight in developing your 2020 plan with S.M.A.R.T goals.
Lay the groundwork for understanding the importance of knowing and leveraging your strengths as a leader/entrepreneur.